Unique and unpublished
Los 1049
Forces of Galba in Spain. In the name of Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. Denarius (Silver, 17 mm, 3.90 g, 6 h), uncertain mint in Spain. Group A.III, 3 April-2nd half of June 68. CAESAR DIVI F P P Laureate head of Augustus to right. Rev. PAX Two clasped right hands holding caduceus and two crossed cornucopiae. BMC -. CG 170.1 (this coin). Cohen -. Martin -. Nicolas -. RIC -. Unique and unpublished save for its previous auction appearance. A beautifully toned coin with a hitherto unattested obverse legend. Somewhat rough, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gollnow, ex Künker 280, 26 September 2016, 529 and Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, 349.

The Pax-reverse with two clasped right hands holding a caduceus (sometimes with two crossed cornucopiae) is clearly connected to Spain (see lot 1025 above and Nicolas pl. XI), thus, we can attribute Group A.III to the forces of Galba as well. The coins in this group distinguish themselves by their neat style and their charming portrait, as well as by the consistent use of the title divi filius. An interesting minor detail about the present piece is the headgear of Augustus, which does not look like a laurel wreath, but rather like an odd diadem in the shape of a ship's prow.
1000 CHF
800 CHF
6000 CHF
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